вторник, 29 декабря 2015 г.

Shambhala. historical mythological reference.

The Shambhala is a receptacle of the most ancient wisdom, a common ground terrestrial and heavenly. From time immemorial lamas of Tibet and Mongolia tell about the Shambhala, but you on the card won't find it. Many consider stories about paradise on the earth as pure fiction, some believe that it was one of ancient kingdoms in the territory of Central Asia. All data on its location are collected in the Tibetan legend which calls the Shambhala "a northern place of tranquillity" and assumes that it is to the north of Tibet. Such point of view is echoed also by the Indian tradition in which the country the Shambhala with the capital of Kalapa located to the North from the Himalayas and occupied by perfect people is mentioned. It is considered that the Shambhala — the country hidden from others looks where Buddha was devoted in Kalachakra's doctrine, or the Wheel of time which includes astronomy, an astrology, etc. It is supposed that it conveniently settled down in the valley surrounded with the high, covered with snow mountains; that access to it is complicated because of the lake or a hollow of the dried-up lake, and it is possible to enter it only through the narrow gorge or a cave. Lamas are firmly convinced that to travelers for anything not to reach the Shambhala if they aren't called. The most probable location of a mysterious kingdom if it really exists — extensive spaces of the western China, iizvestny today as Sinyan. Some scientists suggest that the idea of the Shambhala could arise from traditional belief that Altai — is monastery of shamans. According to traditional beliefs, inhabitants of the Shambhala could cure themselves of any diseases, read foreign mind, soglyadyvat in the far future and live 100 years. Their tsar allegedly possessed extraordinary advanced equipment. At it was not only the mirror from glass allowing to see on) considerable distance, but also special lenses by means of which he studied life on other planets through the glazed roof. On the Tibetan prophecy, in the Shambhala 32 tsar will govern, the kingdom of each of them will proceed 100 years. The first governed during Buddha's life in the VI century BC. It is expected that the last tsar with huge army will destroy sprouts of the evil and after the whole world the Golden Age will set in. And only then great secrets of the Shambhala will be revealed...

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